Friday, 27 February 2015


Whew! What a week: getting stuck in the snow on Sunday whilst traversing the West Yorkshire moors; mortgage applications (and much finger-crossing); crazy weather; crazy toddler; visits to friends; cooking and baking and shopping and... 

Anyway. It looks set to be quite a busy weekend too, but in a good way. Lunch at a local Italian restaurant for a family birthday will definitely be the highlight. I love Italian food.

It's been bitterly cold around here. I complained equally as bitterly to the letting agent (here earlier for their regular inspection to ensure we haven't trashed the place) about what a freezing house this is. Still, if everything goes to plan we'll have our very own little nest again soon.

My miniature daffodils are blooming away happily in the front window and look like little yellow stars with the sun shining behind them. We've had gusty winds and hail showers and the snow's gone. It's brightened up a lot this afternoon so hopefully we'll get some weekend walks in and spot more signs of spring coming.

Of course, you may have noticed I made another change to the blog's appearance. Truth is, I've been after that little rabbit for a while but could never get it quite right. I was informed that saving images as PNGs rather than JPEGs can correct the sort of problem I was having. Who knew? Not me, evidently. I did consider using my own photo for the circular image (another thing I've recently got the hang of) but, well - like I said. I wanted the bunny. 

Thank you for your response regarding my proposed new series. I'm hoping to publish my first post on Monday. It seems the logical day to do it: being organised at the start of the week, getting things done. Ties in well with the whole Elegant Economy thing, of running an orderly and efficient household. I can dream... But seriously, I do have so many post ideas already they're popping up like February crocuses coming through the ground. Must be a good sign.

And finally: tonight we're having fish and chips. It doesn't get much better than that, does it?

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Great new look, and may I say, I just love you photos!
    Wish you a lovely weekend!

  2. preciosas fotografías, saludos

  3. Hi! I have discovered your blog just a week ago. It's your photography that caught my eye and also the fact, that you are from North. But I guess, I'm "Norther" than you, as I'm not from UK :)
    I like the bunny! I also have a bunny as a symbol of my blog :)

  4. The bunny is great. - loving the look of your blog. It's been bright here today but really cold! Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy(ed) your fish and chips. :-) x

  5. Hey Sarah,
    It never gets any better than fish and chips! I want to change my clog around but have no real idea how to go about it. Loving the bunny, and the picture of Joe is gorgeous.
    Have a great weekend.
    Leanne xx

  6. A beautiful fritillary, they always look so rare and exotic. I like the new look of your blog, especially the rabbit, nicely done. It sounds like you have a good weekend ahead of you, I hope you enjoy it all. CJ xx

  7. Stuck in the snow - oh no! I love your photos as always and great to see the signs of spring. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your family get together.

  8. Lovely looking blog. I love the rabbit and fish n chips (with or without curry sauce) is brilliant.

  9. Love the new bunny addition to the header. That flower in the first photo is very pretty, I've not seen something like that before. Looking forward to your new series...Mel x

  10. I like your new bunny and saw it straight away. Looking forward to Monday for your new series! xx

  11. the bunny is charming! have a good day X

  12. I'm loving the bunny ... so glad the PNG tip worked :o)


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