Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Elegant Economy

Lately I've been going through a bit of a sleepless phase. It happens. I drop off easily enough but wake in the early hours, mind racing, trying to will myself (unsuccessfully) back to sleep. It isn't usually worrying stuff that keeps me awake. Just random thoughts, plans, ideas. Sometimes I'm thinking about the minutae of daily life. Others I'm plotting blog posts.

A while ago I read Cranford. I'd already watched the series on DVD and I loved the book just as much. And if you visited the blog back then, you may recall I was quite taken with the idea of 'elegant economy' as practised by Misses Matty and Deborah. The very phrase makes thriftiness sound so appealing. Ever since then I've been toying with the idea of a long-term series of posts inspired by it.

I'm thinking household wisdom, the odd little tale here and there, things that (for me) work and those that don't. Domestic details, housekeeping. Food, garden, laundry, cleaning, budgeting (or lack of). Making a home without spending a fortune.

I've been scribbling away in my notebook. It'll be a nice series, I think - and I do like a bit of structure here and there. My current 'regular' posts on a particular theme - Food Memories and Midweek Miscellany - should sit well with my latest project. I'd love to know what you think...

And that is all for now. A brief post, but the little one is upstairs making a dreadful racket opening and closing drawers from his cot. I suspect he's awake. And that his cot needs moving.


  1. Elegant economy is a very good idea! I shall look forward to reading them (and yes, I'd move the cot. If he can reach the drawers he can use them to climb out.)

    1. Good point - I took your advice! He's now away from any potential escape routes. Thank you :)

  2. This sounds fantastic, can't wait to read them - I'm definitely a fan of elegant economy!

  3. Hi Sarah, that sounds like a great series of posts....I will read with interest.
    I'm often awake in the small hours so you have my sympathy on that.
    Jacquie x

  4. Sounds wonderful, I'm always striving to be elegant and economic. I shall look forward to it. CJ xx

  5. I rather love the idea of elegant economy! Will look forward to reading your posts.

  6. Me too - awake at 4am often. Used to let it bother me but I find I have my best ideas then. And Elegant economy sounds like a good idea.

  7. I am sure that your posts on elegant economy would be great reading! It sounds so much nicer than frugal - or cheap. Not that there is anything wrong with being those things, it just sounds nicer doesn't it! xx

    1. It does! 'Cheap' does sound a bit horrible (and is often followed by 'nasty')... Elegant Economy it is :)

  8. Hello from a new reader! I got there from Jacquie's place, and I loved your blog so much! : )
    This idea of elegant economy themed posts sounds interesting to me, I'd like to read more about it!
    Wish you a nice day! ; )

    1. Hello! I'm glad you found your way here. I hope you enjoy the new series...

  9. Hola, acabo de descubrir tu blog y es precioso, voy a hacerme seguidora. saludos desde EspaƱa

    1. Hola! That's about the best I can do, I'm ashamed to say...

  10. What a great idea! I shall look forward to reading your new series.

  11. My dear in in awe of your photography......just caught up on your last few posts! Good idea, I will look forward to what you write :) xxx

    1. Oh, thank you! Not too much photography of late. I really should invest in some thermals...

  12. Sleep and me are not on good terms at the moment either. I wonder if it's just this blooming old season and not being able to get out as much as I would like. Lavender and camomile help a little, but once I'm awake then that's it for me and I'm left in a gloomy old awful mood, Hurry up brighter days. x

    1. There does seem to be this everlasting gloom at the moment. Low, dark clouds which make the house so dingy... I keep wondering whether we should decorate the new house all white like the Scandis do. But then again, I'm really tempted to paint a room in a rich teal or kingfisher blue. Decisions, decisions (probably another thing to keep me awake)!
      Hope you sleep better soon.
      S x

  13. it's a lovely phrase! sounds like a good idea X

  14. beautiful post...always enjoy your posts and photography ;) xx

  15. That sounds like a great series Sarah, cant wait to read them. Have a good weekend. xx

  16. What a great idea for series! It sounds wonderful. Bee xx

  17. Brilliant idea...I'm looking forward to reading about it. (I loved Cranford! Such a good book!) x


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