Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Difficult Art of the Selfie

Or, Grey Hair Don't Care.

So after all that contemplation about blogging and what to blog about where, I thought I'd write something that falls firmly within the Mitenska remit: my hair.

I did post a while ago about the decision to stop colouring my hair. Faff, chemicals and not feeling the need to dye in order to look 'young' (whatever that is).

Well, it's getting greyer. And I'm really liking it.

One thing I've found is that I'm disliking the remaining stuff that's still coloured.

You see, the natural hair that's coming through isn't all silver. A good amount of it is a very dark brown - my natural colour. And the hair that's growing out has a reddish tinge to it. Because years of dyeing mean I'd forgotten what colour my hair actually is. I was just guessing and approximating.

And I was pretty wide of the mark.

The silver is much more obvious in daylight, as opposed to my pitiful attempts at selfie-taking in the bathroom mirror. And I do love the shade. I can't wait for more to appear.

Back in May I was approached by Alex to do a little Q&A for her blog, Grey and Proud. You're welcome to have a read.

Some of you may be wondering why I'm making such a big deal about my hair colour. The thing is, I'm not. I don't want to be defined by my appearance any more than I would by my car (slightly battered) or my job (part-time artist and full-time mother).

But I think we're a community here and we often cheer each other on. The fact is, I'm actually enjoying this process and only wish I'd binned the dye sooner.

Apologies for the bad selfies. I did warn you. I'm pretty camera shy and would rather faff around in the bathroom mirror than have someone take my picture.

I'll maybe do another update in a few months - it'll be interesting to compare the photos and track my progress. 


  1. Beautiful! My hair was bright red when I was younger and has gradually faded to a grey/strawberry blond colour.Your natural colour looks lovely :)

    1. Thank you! The coloured part (currently most of it) really does look very artificial in comparison. I'm willing it to grow faster!

  2. Gorgeous natural hair, well done you. I've thought about dyeing my hair from time to time, but you have persuaded me to leave well alone. I'm not a fan of chemicals either. CJ xx

    1. I know I opted for natural dyes when I was pregnant - maybe the whole darker colours being worse is because you're actually putting them on to be absorbed rather than trying to take colour out by lightening your hair. x

  3. your selfies are beautiful. no dyeing going on here, plenty of silver coming through!

    1. Good for you! It's so much more low-maintenance :)

  4. You'd look beautiful with any hair colour! I like your dark brown with silver streaks, very much like my own (although I am still happily colouring it in various shades of brown) x

    1. That's very kind, Christina. I definitely believe in each to their own - I always wear makeup (well, almost always) whereas some ind the thought of that pretty repellent. My Polish grandma used to have a different hair colour every few weeks. She just used to absent-mindedly pick a box from the shelf and buy it x

  5. I admire your decision (says this grey-haired person) and I like your photos!

  6. Beautiful hair. This August it's two years since hair dye touched my hair and I don't regret my decision. The hardest part was growing out the old colour - as you're experiencing. Now I'm so pleased I went natural and feel blessed to be free from from all that 'perfect' hair colour pressure, not to mention the time and money wasted. Nature's highlights are a gift. Stick with it xo

    1. I will! It's not actually as hard as I thought it would be. The irritation is that the coloured bits look bad, not the grey... x

  7. Love it! You look fantastic. I feel the same as you about the 'new' colour, and just want the old, several-times-dyed colour OFF! I wouldn't want to be defined by my hair colour either, but I think going grey IS a big deal for a lot of women, and if we can help make that go a little bit more smoothly for those people, then I'd be very happy.
    PS thanks so much for the link to the blog!x

    1. Told you I would, eventually! I'm so behind with everything at the moment... As for the old colour I haven't thought about when to get it cut off. Not for a while (short hair looks terrible on me) but maybe I'll go for it when it'll result in a long bob or something.
      I love that so many of us are just going for it and abandoning the dye. And I must come over to read about that new shampoo you bought :) x

  8. I don't do mine anymore and have also more or less stopped wearing makeup too. It's interesting how we got to this place of altering what we look like naturally, as if somehow that is better.

    1. I do wear makeup, albeit eye makeup (having ditched foundation a few years ago). But yes, the altering aspect is pretty fascinating - especially when you look back through history and across cultures.

  9. You've seen my roots on IG so you know I know what you're going through. I love my white hair but am also frustrated that it's not coming in equally all over my head. There's much more in the front (around my face). From the back, you wouldn't know I had any. If only it was an all-at-once thing!
    BTW, I think you take great selfies! You are naturally very pretty so it is easy I'm sure. :)
    Dana (@NIeveandEstrellas)

    1. Thank you Dana - as for the greys, mine seem to be around my hairline too. I think just growing out the dye and seeing what happens is the way to go. It's quite exciting really as I don't know how it'll turn out!

  10. I think it is wonderful that you are documenting this Sarah. No dye here (I'm 55) and I'm loving the silvery streaks around my tanned outdoors face. (I do take good care of my skin primarily through diet and exercise and the occasional splurge on Neal's Yard Frankincense moisturiser and try and remember to use sunscreen when working outdoors.) I think your natural hair colour is best and complements your natural skin tone. The overall effect in your photos is just beautiful. Are you having regular haircuts as the dye grows out? An infusion of rosemary makes a wonderful rinse for hair (I find it replaces conditioner which is one less plastic bottle to buy and recycle).

    1. The rosemary rinse sounds great - I definitely need conditioner of some sort as my hair is naturally curly and has a tendency to get dry as opposed to sleek and glossy! And apparently grey hair is a lot more wiry...
      I'm glad you're enjoying seeing the journey as it progresses. And yes, the grey does look good with a bit of a tan!

  11. Good for you. I gave up dying my hair years ago - a combination of deciding to embrace the ageing process and wanting to cut down on chemicals. My head is now an ever changing blend of dark, grey and white hair. I have no regrets.

  12. I've barely ever dyed my hair. Too scared I think :) No grey yet - well not that I've noticed. My Mum didn't start greying until she was quite 'old' - my dad was bald in his mid 30s, my brother in his early 20s. I know which one I'd prefer. You take such a beautiful photo. I'd love to see an update in a few months. xx

  13. Hey Sarah,
    I'm catching up after my self imposed sabbatical. My mum decided to 'go grey' a couple of years ago. She's never regretted it, mostly because she said she was just past worrying about it. I think she looks better, and so does she. It suits her, and why shouldn't it. I haven't got any grey, but my hair is getting naturally darker as I age. It gets dyed by the sun, but I prefer its' winter colour. I rarely wear make up. I've often been tempted to go to a make up counter and let them go to town on me! I've also thought about having some professional photos taken of me, especially as I approach 50 (in 3 years). I'd like some nice pictures of me. I'm normally behind the camera, and I look awful in photographs.
    Phew! What a lovely catch up! Hope you are keeping well Sarah.
    Leanne xx


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