Sunday, 16 June 2013

My new Favourite Thing

On Thursday evening I went to my first art class. There was good news and bad: because only four of us had signed up, the course is being postponed until September. But... we had a free taster session and got to try our hands at printmaking.

I'm now addicted.

Yes I got covered in paint. Yes my first few attempts were awful. But the monoprinting and lino cut were fun to try out. So much so that I'm going to invest in this book and buy some printmaking equipment. It's inexpensive and I can use the kitchen table (must stop eyeing up James's shed and imagining it all painted white inside with my radio and a tin of biscuits handy).

I came home with sheets of paper flapping in the breeze and a cardboard box full of my previous efforts at ceramics. 

I even framed this image (landscape, not portrait). An Ikea 'Ribba' frame - complete with mount - can make even the most amateur attempt look quite professional.

The tutor suggested that, come September, I spend the whole course working on printmaking (other topics include paper making and drawing techniques). I can't wait - and in the meantime am going to make sketches and cut lino to my heart's content.


  1. You've inspired me to look up printmaking classes at my local college - it sounds like a wonderfully fun way to spend an evening. I love the prints you've done so far x

    1. Thanks! I loved it - and am excited to get started properly come September.

      We're really lucky as the local college have just started running courses in the evenings at the local high school. They're really inexpensive too as the college subsidises them so maybe do a bit of asking around and looking in the local paper.

      Good luck - I hope you find something. And if not it's something you can teach yourself at home x


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