The past few days, I've been full of a cold. So when Joe's gone down for his afternoon nap I've run around cheering tried to take things easy. And for some reason, I've been online far less than usual. Ditto watching TV.
Instead, I've been reading a few old magazines and writing in my notebooks. It's been nice.
I also made a garland for the mirror over the mantel, now that all the festive stuff is well and truly packed away for another year. It's cut from pieces from the Simone de Beauvoir book.
Speaking of books, I'm still enjoying The Snow Child. I don't know about you, but I tend to have bedtime books and daytime reading (the kind you can dip in and out of whenever you get the chance). They're always non-fiction; sometimes supplements from the weekend papers, sometimes magazines... more often than not books on gardening, cooking or interiors.
This is a recent purchase from one of those discount bookshops. It's surprising just how many wild plants you can eat or which have medicinal uses. And the illustrations are quite lovely too.
Yesterday, I received a delightful parcel from Penny. I won her recent giveaway: a book (by Sarah Moore, winner of The Great Interior Design Challenge - I was hooked) and a few balls of yarn (British Bluefaced Leicester wool). I now have to learn to crochet...
She also put some cute little postcards in there for Joe. Sweet!
It really did make my day. This morning we even had some fleeting sunshine and went out for a brisk walk. Yesterday the weather was truly awful. The trees were bent sideways, the rain was lashing down and the local nature reserve is closed because it's not safe to walk under all those falling branches.
I feel for all those poor people who are flooded at the moment. Hopefully the water will subside soon. I'm counting my blessings.
What a lovely prize. I like your garland very much, that was a very creative use for the book's pages. I understand what you mean about daytime and bedtime reading because I tend to do that too. I like to read something lighter right before bed, such as a cookbook or home-decor kind of book. I hope you're having a good day.
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer! There's a lot of the book left over so I'll have to have a poke around Pinterest for some more ideas... all is well here, despite me having a cold. Joe's with his grandad this morning so I'm getting a few hours of peace and quiet :)
DeleteHope all is good with you and yours x
Your garland is perfect Sarah, you have such lovely taste. Unfortunately, I seem to have got a cold now too! My body knows I am on holiday next week and decided to lower my resistance :o)
ReplyDeleteI hope you are feeling better and can carry on reading all those great books. The Snow child is on my "to read list" and I took the hedgerow handbook out of the library last year and made elderflower cordial from their recipe. Hope you have a lovely weekend coming up xox
You too! Colds are rubbish, aren't they? I suppose that and the crazy weather combined mean you have to just stay indoors and keep warm (and drink lots of honey and lemon).
DeleteThe garland was supposed to be little hearts but with Valentines Day being upon us there were no heart-shaped paper punches left. Still, I'll be able to make some garlands for next Christmas now!
I love elderflower cordial. I'll definitely be giving that a go - the thought of it makes me long for summer!
S xx
Sorry you've not been well - we've all had a bug in this house too, passing it on from one person to the next... Love your garland, and that parcel is fab, how nice to receive a parcel of treats. Despite that dreadful wind last night I am counting my blessings here too, this weather has just been awful. x
ReplyDeleteHello again! I think that's what's going on here too - despite me keep washing my hands until they feel like sandpaper, we all just share bugs. I'm blaming Joe and his playgroup!
DeleteThe weather is indeed pretty awful but we seem to be getting off quite lightly here (touch wood). Probably best to stay away from trees at the moment... x
It seems to be the time of year for bugs...we've all been battling different ones too. I'm blaming a little one starting nursery!! Have you thought of what to make with your beautiful wool?
ReplyDeleteIt's true! Children seem to get together and produce all kinds of nasty viruses, don't they? I suppose it helps them build up their immunity...
DeleteI'm desperate to learn to crochet as I'd love to make granny squares. So far I've managed to learn how to hold the hook and wool but it feels very strange. Hopefully practice and patience will pay off!
Sorry to hear you have been unwell ... hope you are much better now ... I love your garland and how exciting to receive some happy mail from Penny ... Bee xx
ReplyDeleteHi, Bee! I'm feeling much better now, thanks. The parcel definitely cheered me up - not often nice things arrive in the post unless I've been buying things online, and I rarely do that!
DeleteS x