Thursday, 2 January 2014

Things to come

The Christmas decorations are down. The remainder of the (unopened) festive food has been dispatched to the food bank. I know it's early for all that but some things remain - the fairy lights, candles, pine cones, greenery. Because even though our Christmas (wonderful as it was) is over, I still adore winter and will be celebrating it in the house for a good while yet.

To write a post on each and every hope and dream I have for 2014, all my plans and intentions, would take an age. So instead I'll give you a little idea of what I've been doing thus far.

I took out my favourite notebooks and actually wrote in them. In pen.

I have five on the go (sounds like a lot for someone who aims to make life simpler but bear with me). They are:

1. A diary of all the money I spend and on what. Boring but necessary - and the most likely to fall by the wayside if I'm not careful.

2. Ideas for this blog. Observations, things to photograph, future posts.

3. Food and meals. No, not a food diary. Just nice things to eat, so mealtimes don't get repetitive. Ideally healthy. Ideally.

4. The Book of Nice Things. I've actually been using this one for a while. I note down things (little things) which make me happy, like dipping into a poetry book or baking a cake.

5. Goals and quotes. I spent a while on Pinterest and made a secret board full of inspirational quotes. Way too many to list here but I wrote down my favourites and will continue to do so each time I hear or read something valuable.

Of course, there are the usual New Year's to-dos: a wardrobe clear-out, ditto the fridge, freezer and food cupboards, cleaning the car (HATE that job) and so on.

But here's a little sprinkling of things I'd like to do this year:

Watch less TV (been doing that for a few weeks and I honestly don't miss it)
Stop saving things 'for best' - clothes, notebooks, skincare items, perfume - just use and enjoy them
Make time to draw more
Stop wasting time on things I'm not getting anything from and which feel like more of a chore than a pleasure
Wear my glasses
Finally grow my fringe out
Choose a path and stick to it
Save up, buy quality and appreciate and look after things
Focus on the bigger picture and make small steps towards long-term goals.

And as for the quotes I've been collecting, here are a few that really spoke to me. Implementing them won't be easy but I suppose that's the whole point:

1. Learn to say 'No' without explaining yourself

2. It's not about 'having' time. It's about making time.

3. The moment you feel you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away.

I'm so excited for 2014 - adventures to plan, experiences to be had... and seeing Joe grow more each day. Can't wait to share with you all :)


  1. What a lovely inspirational post. Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed reading your blog over the past few months, and to wish you good things in 2014! Best wishes Penny L xxx

    1. Thank you! So nice to hear people enjoy reading the blog... and I hope you have a great 2014 too x

  2. 2014 sounds like a good un already! I love your hopes and dreams x

    1. Thanks, Lou! I love this positive feeling - I usually think New Year's a bit blah but not this time :) x

  3. I have several notebooks on the go too. I thought it was just me ;)

    Look forward to reading more of your lovely blog in 2014.

    Leanne xx

    1. Hi! I'm a serious notebook hoarder - I love them and can never resist when I spot a particularly nice specimen in a shop!

      I hope you enjoy the blog this year. I have tons of ideas and lots to say, as ever ;)

      S x

  4. Hello! Glad you liked the post - so much to say without going on for ages. I agree with you on the 'No' quote - it's the one (of very, very many) that speaks to me the most, and yet I find it so difficult to do...
    I'm determined to master it.

  5. I like the sound of your 2014! And saying 'no' is no longer a no-no with me either. Best wishes for 2014 xo

    1. And the same to you!
      The saying 'no' thing has to be my biggest resolution this year - we all need boundaries; I just need to assert myself more. I suppose the more you do it, the easier it becomes :)

  6. I love this post Sarah, so clearly put together and such beautiful hopes and dreams. I took a sneak peek at your Joe the other day, he is so gorgeous and this next year is going to see so much fun and joy in seeing him develop so. I think I need to adopt your saying "no" without explanation too, why do we always find ourselves justifying things? I look forward to sharing your journey with you xox Penny

    1. Hi Penny - and thanks for your lovely comment. It put a smile on my face before I even got up this morning! The Joe blog started as something for friends and family to see his progress but I put it on Mitenska as he's a big part of my life. It gets views from all over the world - he's far more popular than me!

      As for saying 'no' - I constantly feel the need to explain things and get so annoyed with myself afterwards. I'm determined to work on that...

      Have a great 2014, and likewise - I'm looking forward to visiting your little corner of the internet often x

  7. Ah I love this - making time to draw more is one of my goals for 2014 too. I'm really getting into the whole simplicity and fuss free living thing at the moment and there's lots in this post I can relate to. Beautiful photos too x

    1. Hello! Thanks for your comment.

      I started thinking about simpler living a few years ago and it's really gained momentum with me - I love it. You really do start to value the little things and realise life's not about 'stuff', status or cramming in way too much. Family, food, outdoors - happy things :)

  8. Love the muted tones in these shots and particularly like the 'January' image #BetterPhotosProject

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to a 2014 full of photo opportunities :)

  9. Your notebook looks so pretty! I love this idea, and it's a good plan to organise your blog in a notebook - I think I might start doing this because I always forget my ideas for posts! x

  10. Hello! If you're anything like me, ideas arrive and disappear just as quickly. Maybe I should keep a notebook on the bedside table too for those middle-of-the-night ideas...
    Just visited your blog. Your work's beautiful :)

  11. So many things in this post jump out at me as I've been thinking the same or doing the same recently (and even buying the same teabags!) It sounds like a very positive, simple and creative way to start the year. Love the sound of all your notebooks - I spent New Year's Day evening collating recipes into a file - hugely satisfying and plenty more ideas! Writing in a new notebook in PEN is such a new year thing to do - I love it! x

  12. Thank you!
    There's something very satisfying about getting organised, isn't there? Somehow you feel that bit more in control of daily life and I find that very de-stressing. As for the using pen in my notebooks - it's part of my whole plan not to keep things for best. Nice things should be enjoyed every day (well, maybe not cake and booze) but you know what I mean! Here's to a relaxed, happy January x

  13. Beautiful pics! You do sound organised! I wish we had a food bank near us that I could contribute too, sadly I don't thing those things exist in these parts...

    1. Hello! I hope it's not too cold where you are - Christmas must have been magical :) And I hope there aren't too many food banks because they're not needed...
      Nice to meet you, and Happy New Year!

  14. I do love the start of a New Year and I like the New academic year in September....makes me want to get lots of new stationery to add to my stash and declutter my mind. At least I have an excuse for some new notebooks with going back to work :) Happy projects and planning :)

    1. And the same to you! Having spent most of my working life after university in the education sector, I always get that September feeling too. I still use academic year diaries... don't think that will ever change... x

  15. What a great post. I like the way you use your notebooks. I have one that sits in the kitchen and I write down everything, like things to do, buy, eat, remember. Ideas and meal plans - it's half a diary and half a wish list. I'd be quite lost without it! Those quotes at the end are great, especially number 2. I get very cross when people say "where do you find the time!" when I do something creative and I say, through gritted teeth, "I don't find the time, I MAKE the time".... x


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