Thursday, 6 February 2014


Jay booked a few days off work this week so we've just been pottering about and doing nice relaxing things like cooking (he made a vindaloo last night - not a blow-your-head-off one but a milder version and it was warming and delicious).

Anyway, in a bid to combat some of our post-Christmas sluggishness we decided to head back home and walk up Holcombe Hill. Jay's never been and he fancied a challenge. It's a steep, winding climb and he had Joe riding on his back.

Joe's been a bit poorly. We took him to the doctor as he's had a rash but it's just a virus and it doesn't seem to have affected him in any way. Still, fresh air is always a good thing.

The wind has died down for now and the rain held off so it was great to be up on the moors. I used to ride my pony up there when I was a youngster (in all weathers - I particularly loved the snow). Green and brown were the predominant colours today as the heather's all bleached out. But some of the greens were acid bright and formed a patchwork of shades underfoot.

Peel Tower (at the top of the hill) is a monument to Robert Peel, founder of the police force. On a clear day you can see for miles. You could just see across to Manchester today through the slightly murky haze. The tower also opens to the public - you know when, because they fly a flag from the top. So if climbing the hill hasn't exhausted you, maybe ascending the many steps inside will. The view's well worth it though.

We headed back down via the church at Holcombe village. I spent much of one Christmas and New Year in the Shoulder of Mutton and very cosy it was too.

I've always loved this cottage which faces the churchyard where my paternal grandparents, and their parents, are buried. It's a very pretty spot. 

The fresh air knocked Joe out and because we'd made an early start we were home in plenty of time for lunch. It feels so leisurely doing things like this during the week... the next time Jay has time off, we'll be packing ready for our break in Scotland. We're really looking forward to that.

Hope you're getting the chance to be outdoors (it makes returning indoors all the nicer, I find).


  1. What a lovely outing to have as a family, fresh air really helps with getting rid of the cobwebs and it's great when you can get out in these winter days I fund. I am hoping to do something similar this weekend, I work during the week so weekends I try make a point of getting out into the fresh air. I hope Joe is getting better and I am sure you are getting excited about Scotland, a colleague of mine has gone to Edinburgh for a few days and I would live to go back again. xox
    Ps. So sorry Sarah I haven't had a moment to send your give away yet but will either tomorrow or on Saturday morning x thanks for your patience xxx

    1. Hi Penny! Don't worry about sending the goodies, just whenever you get the chance.
      And yes, getting outdoors is really good for you at this time of year. I really love being out in the wilds when it's feeling a bit brisk, especially if I remember to take a flask of tea with me!
      Edinburgh's definitely on the 'to visit' list. We always said we'd probably get married there as we love it so much - probably not this time around, though!
      Sarah x

  2. I think it must be Peel Tower we see on our way to my inlaws. Maybe this summer I will try to persuade my family to have a walk to the top, your photos look beautiful. Often these places are deserted in the winter months, so you have them all to yourselves!! Sarah

    1. Hello! Yes, you can see the tower from quite a distance. Once at the top there are a few paths leading across the moors. It tends to be busiest at Easter and in August, when the 'whinberries' are out (little wild bilberries). Then it's covered with people filling their Tupperware because the berries make fantastic pies - and they're really expensive to buy from the market!

  3. What a beautiful place to visit and your photos are wonderful. I hope Joe is feeling better soon.

    1. Hi Jennifer! He's fine - he just looks a bit spotty but even that's disappearing now. We're big fans of fresh air and the great outdoors. Good for the body, good for the mind :)


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